Year 4

Welcome to Year 4 with Mrs Gibson, Mrs Houghton , Mrs Oliver and Mrs Dodds.


Reading bags should be brought into school daily with reading records, Accelerated Reading book and spelling books (on Mondays to receive new spellings for the week).  We encourage parents to read with their child and to sign Reading Records as often as possible.

Children are encouraged to regularly access Times Table Rockstars to help support them with their knowledge of table facts, and build speed with their recall of these. 

At the end of Year 4 children will complete a national Times Table Check.  

Homework is set every Friday which consists of one 'Weekly Workout'  in their Times Table book, spellings and reading of their Accelerated Reading book.  

PE kits should be worn on your child’s PE days. PE Kit is white t shirt, navy blue or black tracksuit bottoms or shorts (no logos, no leggings) and school jumper or plain hoodie.

PE days for Year 4 are:

4O:  Wednesday  and  Friday .

4GH:  Monday (swimming) and Friday .

4D:  Monday and Wednesday .

Swimming will be rotated each term.

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