
What is well-being?
Health and well-being is not a single subject or class. It is organised into six areas:

  • mental
  • emotional
  • social and physical well-being;planning for choices and changes
  • physical education and sport;food and health
  • substance education
  • relationship education.

What do we want?
We want all children and young people to be able to develop positive relationships and learn about health and well-being to ensure they acquire skills to live healthy,happy lives

When you 

Enter this 

Loving school

Consider yourself

One of the special

Members of an

Extraordinary community

Our Vision

Our vision is for all our students, staff and community to have the support they need to build lifelong coping skills and thrive. We will make this happen by:

  • Understanding the different types of emotional and mental health needs across the school and have systems in place to respond appropriately
  • Actively promoting students and staff emotional wellbeing and mental health
  • Have a positive culture which regards emotional wellbeing and mental health as the responsibility of all
  • Increasing opportunities to engage in the evidence based 'five ways to wellbeing' model 1) Connect 2) Be active 3) Take notice 4) Keep learning 5) Give
  • Developing the curriculum and teaching, learning and assessment methods to optimise mental health and wellbeing, recognising neurodiversity, while maintaining academic standards.

What are our well-being aims?
Hetton Lyons Primary School is committed to promoting and protecting emotional wellbeing and mental health in our whole school community.
We strive to create an environment which has a whole school approach in providing excellent support, understanding and intervention for all individuals in order to maintain their positive wellbeing and mental health. We put Wellbeing at the heart of our school to ensure successful learning. We recognise that people need different things to be comfortable and happy. School is a safe environment for everyone and inclusive of all families and backgrounds.

Our Mental Health and Wellbeing Team-

Senior Mental Health Lead - Mrs Sarah Young

Mental Health Lead- Mrs Faye Nichol

ELSA Programme and Worry Time - Miss Emma Stevens

Wider Wellbeing curriculum lead- Mrs Kate Robinson

Well being support worker Mrs Carol Stronach

Family support worker Mrs Sarah Caden

Mental Health Support team with TFC - Jessica Sheriff and Sophie Harrison

How does the wider curriculum support well-being?
Our curriculum has planned opportunities to teach well- being as well as aspects that go through everything that we do in school. Mrs Robinson is the lead member of staff for social, moral, spiritual and cultural aspects of the curriculum. This includes ensuring that pupil voice is an important part of all decisions that are made.

How do we decide on the support children need?
Stage 1- Universal Support
This stage will meet the needs of the majority of pupils through our relationships,ethos and wider curriculum. It will include policies and schemes of work such as Sex and Relationship Education.

Stage 2- Additional Support
This stage is for pupils who have short term needs and those who may have been made vulnerable by life experiences such as a family illness or bereavement. This includes access to Calm stations in all classrooms and access to a wellbeing bag that can be taken home in order to continue the support at home.

Stage 3- Targeted Support
This stage is for pupils who need more differentiated support or resources or targeted interventions such as well being groups, mentoring or referral to wider professionals. Hetton Lyons Primary have support available through Healthy Heads via a referral by one of the team.

Who is the lead member of staff?
We have a number of staff who are trained to lead aspects of Well-being in school. These members of staff have attended accredited courses and lead the programmes in school. All staff in school have attended training on attachment and trauma in children.

How do I access the programmes for my child?
If you would like your child to attend one of the programmes, please contact one of the wellbeing team to discuss the programme if you think it is appropriate. School staff may also recommend your child to a programme.

Are there any programmes for parents?
There are a number of programmes available and can be accessed after a short conversation with one of our team. Hetton Lyons operates an open door policy and we welcome anyone to approach school for support.

Link to Daisy Chain  https://daisychainproject.co.uk/family-support-service-sunderland/

Link to Luminova https://luminova.app/