Where in the world is Hetton - Oct 2021 - Geography

Date: 5th Mar 2021 @ 9:55am

Where in the world is Hetton? – Oct 2021 – Geography

Most of our children live in Hetton, but do we know ‘where in the world in Hetton?”. We started off our year with the challenge to find the answer to this question.

We used the book ‘Meerkat Mail’ to talk about travel and different places in the world. And wrote a retell of the story.

We became mini-geographers and learned about the different continents and oceans. We used atlases and globes to find out which continent we are in and reviewed our learning from Year 1 to remember that we live in England, which is part of the United Kingdom. From this, we found out that we are part of the continent called Europe.

In art and design, we used different textures and colours to create own class map of the world to show the different continents. We drew and labelled world maps. We used our IT skills to explore the world using Digi-maps and Google Earth and identified the different continents, the UK and Hetton on the maps. We used these to help us to draw simple maps with a key of our local area Hetton.

We explored our local area and the school grounds to look at the human and physical features of our local area and then drew simple maps with a key of the school grounds.

We learned about compass directions and used positional language to direct people and play directional games during our PE sessions. We also used magnets to make our own working compasses.

We loved being mini-geographers!