British Science Week!

Date: 15th Mar 2021 @ 8:26am

In school, we celebrated Science week with fantastic Science themed lessons all week. We linked this to lots of other subjects including Design Technology, Music, Maths and ICT. We have had the opportunity to watch live Science lessons, complete our own experiments and research different scientists. We have also looked at a range of jobs that we could aspire to do in Science. Many of us in school know people who use Science in their jobs!

Science week started off with our first live lesson where we looked at forces. We followed the live lesson and made our own paper aeroplanes thinking about the forces that are used when they fly and land onto the table. We also completed our own Science experiment using Diet coke and Mentos mints! We predicted what might happen and why then tested our thinking.

We used the computers to research a scientist. Our class choose Isaac Newton who discovered gravity. We were shocked to find out that it all started when an apple fell from a tree! Using a computer programme (Purple Mash), we put together an information poster about Isaac Newton and his discoveries. To finish off our learning, we explored interactive games learning more about gravity and forces.

Linked to our previous learning in literacy, our thinking was all about rafts and how they float. We decided to use our prior knowledge and build our own. Using materials and our Design Technology skills our challenge was to build a raft that would float on water. We watched a short clip on how to build a raft and used replica materials we had in school to recreate it. We tested our designs and predicted which designs would float or sink. We also discussed how the raft would float and why. We had so much fun and it was great to see everyone’s unique designs!

Could we really be Scientists in the future? For out final Science themed day we thought about careers and aspirations in Science. We thought about what a scientist was and what jobs are used Science. We were shocked to discover how many career opportunities in Science there are! We watched an interview of Tim Peak who was talking about his job as an astronaut and the skills that are needed. Because space is one of our favourite parts of learning, we looked at what we needed to do to become an astronaut and applied to be one using a job specification